The TLF Mission & Purpose

For the woman after God's heart

We know that you're a busy woman with a lot on your plate; people you care for, a household to run, a demanding job, a full school schedule, and relationships to foster. We're here to meet you wherever you're at and provide you with the support you need to be at YOUR best for your Savior- mind, body, and spirit. Whether you're a young adult desiring to get your healthy living momentum going, a mother at home or in the work place wanting to learn balance and sustainability, a mature lady interested in creating a lifestyle plan that promotes energy and healing, or anything in between, we are here to educate and guide you on your wellness journey.

Let's get YOU taken care of so you can live out your God-given callings as your healthiest, most joyful self!

Temple Love Fitness exists to provide individuals with Kingdom-minded, holistic health support services that encourage a lifestyle of Godly confidence!

Our bodies are masterpieces created by God, temples of the Holy Spirit, and members of Christ's own body. We are made for worship and service in love to God and to others. Therefore, let's honor the bodies God made for us with our lifestyle choices so we can thrive in the individual callings He's given us in His kingdom!

Kingdom-Minded & Gospel-Motivated

Honoring our bodies starts with a mindset, one that is Kingdom and Creator focused. The mindset that is focused on serving self is empty and fleeting. We become free to truly thrive when we cling to God and his unchanging grace to motivate us. That is when we run with perseverance the race marked out for us in a sustainable way. (Hebrews 12)

Our coaching philosophy revolves around adopting a Christ centered mindset and is implemented through professional wellness education and direction. This is our purpose and we LOVE serving our clients in this way every day!

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Meet the Team

Anna and Stephanie are trained to holistically support you with Christian love

Christian Family Solutions

Romans 12:2 " transformed by the renewal of your mind..."

Temple Love Fitness is proud to be a referral partner with Christian Family Solutions in encouraging people to care for their Temples holistically. Christian counseling is a powerful and effective tool in helping build a strong and grounded lifestyle of GODfidence and is beneficial for any and everyone. A portion of our proceeds goes directly to supporting their ministry in Christian mental health support services.